Carbon neutrality for Climate Action

Infineon’s climate strategy is founded on two pillars: continuous reduction of its own emissions and the active contribution Infineon and its innovative products and solutions make to climate protection thanks to better resource management. 

Energy efficiency, intelligent PFC abatement concepts and hence reducing CO2 emissions have long been core elements of Infineon’s business model. Through the use of its products and solutions by the customers of Infineon, 34 times more CO2 can currently be avoided than is generated during production. All in all, products and solutions from Infineon helped reduce emissions by a net total of 113 million tons of CO2 equivalent last fiscal year – after deducting its own footprint. See here our carbon footprint


Jochen Hanebeck, CEO of Infineon

Infineon is already one of the most sustainable semiconductor producers. CO2 avoidance and resource efficiency in production have been a priority for us for years, as in the setting up of our 300-millimeter thin wafer technology. With our goal of becoming carbon-neutral we are strengthening our efforts through electricity from renewable sources and investments in exhaust air treatment that far exceeds the industry standard.


Going carbon neutral: the next strategic step to fulfill our mission

Making life greener is part of the company’s mission. Our goal is to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Infineon has set itself the goal of becoming carbon-neutral by the end of the 2030 fiscal year in terms of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions. We want to make an active contribution to global CO2 reduction and to the implementation of the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Emissions are to be cut by 70 percent over the 2019 levels by 2025.

Our approach

  1. Avoiding direct emissions and further reducing energy consumption
  2. Purchasing green electricity with guarantees of origin for unavoidable emissions
  3. Compensate the smallest part by certificates that combine development support and CO2reduction
Press Release

Targets and status

Already by the end of the 2023 fiscal year, our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions were 56.8 percent below the emissions of the base year 2019 (scope 1: 328 963 t COe; scope 2: 828 736 t COe). 

Factors contributing to this reduction were the expansion of smart abatement concepts and the implementation of energy efficiency programs as well as the switch to green electricity in Europe and North America.

Know more in our Sustainability Report page 28-29.