OptiMOS™ TOLx package family

 Addressing high-power (TOLL), better TCoB robustness (TOLG), superior thermal performance (TOLT)

TOLL (TO-Leadless)

TO-Leadless is optimized to handle currents of up to 300 A, increasing power density with a substantial reduction in footprint. A footprint reduction of 30 percent compared to D2PAK, together with a height reduction of 50 percent, results in an overall space saving of 60 percent enabling much more compact designs.

TOLG (TO-Leaded with gullwing)

TOLG package offers a compatible footprint to the TO-Leadless package with the additional feature of gullwing leads resulting in 2x higher TCoB performances compared to TO-Leadless. This package is excellent in performance on aluminum insulated metal substrate boards (Al-IMS).

TOLT (TO-Leaded Top-side cooling)

TOLT is the TO-Leaded top-side cooling package within the TOLx family. With top-side cooling, the drain is exposed at the surface of the package allowing for 95 percent of the heat to be dissipated directly to the heatsink, achieving 20 percent better RthJA and 50 percent improved RthJC compared to the TOLL package. With bottom-side cooling packages, like the TOLL or the D2PAK, the heat is dissipated via the PCB to the heatsink resulting in high power losses.

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Features, Benefits, and Applications

The TOLx package family - Infineon's power MOSFETs in TOLL, TOLG, and TOLT

Key features

  • Low RDS(on)
  • High current rating
  • Lower ringing and voltage overshoot compared to D²PAK

Key benefits

  • Reduction in conduction losses
  • High power density
  • System efficiency
  • Extended liftime 
  • High efficiency by lower switching losses and lower EMI

Target applications

TOLL package

Infineon package image TOLL MOSFET
  • Key feature: 60% board space reduction compared to D²PAK 7-pin
  • Key benefit: High power density

TOLG package

Infineon package image TOLG MOSFET
  • Key feature: 60% board space reduction compared to D²PAK 7-pin
  • Key benefit: High power density and superior thermal cycling on board (TCoB) performance

TOLT package

Infineon package image TOLT MOSFET
  • Key feature: Top-side cooling negative stand-off
  • Key benefit: Excellent thermal performance minmizing thermal resistance to heatsink