Virtual Sensor Experience 2023

Visit our Infineon hosted sensing event

Sensors play a key role in driving the digital transformation. They enable things to “see”, “hear”, “smell”, “feel”, and “understand” their surroundings, capturing this information and linking it to the digital world. All these smart, connected things pave the way for more intuitive, convenient user experiences. But that’s not all. Sensor-enabled contextual awareness also contributes to energy efficiency in smart homes, buildings, cars, and factories by powering down connected devices and appliances that are not in use for lower carbon emissions, longer lifetimes, and reduced cost.

Under the umbrella of our XENSIV™ brand, we offer one of the widest ranges of advanced sensors and ready-to-use solutions combining exceptional precision, reliability, and ease of integration for intuitive, energy-efficient designs. Building on our deep system understanding and rich ecosystem, we can offer the right fit for all decarbonization and digitalization challenges.

Join us for our Virtual Sensor Experience from 26 through 30 June 2023, and give your next automotive, industrial, or consumer design an innovative boost with XENSIV™.  Register now! 

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Highlights of the event

A “cocktail party” experience in a car with XENSIV™ MEMS microphones


The car of the future will offer highly immersive user experiences with technologies such as audio sensing. However, the existing systems for audio-based interaction are designed for single-user interaction, thus excluding other passengers.

Simultaneous interactions between multiple passengers and the car will only be possible if a sensing system is able to focus on the intended passenger and filter out unwanted sound sources. This is known as the “cocktail party effect” describing the brain’s ability to tune into a single voice and ignore other conversations or stimuli.

In-cabin sensing with XENSIV™ 60 GHz radar sensors


With the modular In-Cabin Monitoring Systems (ICMS) drivers as well as occupants of a car can be monitored. These systems can be used to ensure the driver does not fall asleep or no children, animals or other occupants are left in a car.

Our advanced sensing solutions can also send an alarm if they detect a person coming unusually close to the vehicle.

Green building certification with XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensors


A strategic assessment conducted by GREENMAP - an accredited WELL performance testing and LEED proven provider - confirmed that Infineon's XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor fulfills the performance requirements defined by the international green building certification systems WELL and LEED.

Our CO2 sensor contributes to 5 WELL features and to 6 LEED credits. These contributions enable buildings that pursue a certification to earn a maximum of 28 points for LEED and up to 6 points for WELL.


Register now and do not miss the respective live session!