
2016-3-22 | 市场新闻




集成式功率级可降低功率损耗,并简化面向多核处理器、ASIC和FPGA的高效率电源的方案设计,而这对于多核处理器、ASIC和FPGA而言至关重要。产品采用小巧的5 mm x 6 mm PQFN SMD封装,最大额定电流达到70 A,因而有助于减少多相电源的设计相数。集成式功率级产品系列凭借过流和过压保护功能可实现智能化自我保护,并为客户的电源管理系统提供非常精确的温度和电流信息。


英飞凌科技股份公司副总裁兼DC/DC业务总经理Richard Kuncic表示:“英飞凌近期大力扩展电源管理的产品组合。英飞凌集成式功率级将更进一步提高企业级电源应用的效率与功率密度。”



英飞凌全新集成功率级产品系列的额定电流从50 A至70 A不等,并提供不同的效率等级,以匹配各种设计要求。更多信息请访问: www.infineon.com/integrated-powerstages

Press Photos

  • The integrated power stage reduces power loss and simplifies design of voltage regulation system solutions for multicore processors, ASICs and FPGA’s where efficient power management is critical.
    The integrated power stage reduces power loss and simplifies design of voltage regulation system solutions for multicore processors, ASICs and FPGA’s where efficient power management is critical.

    JPG | 1.08 mb | 5433 x 4963 px

  • The integrated power stage reduces power loss and simplifies design of voltage regulation system solutions for multicore processors, ASICs and FPGA’s where efficient power management is critical.
    The integrated power stage reduces power loss and simplifies design of voltage regulation system solutions for multicore processors, ASICs and FPGA’s where efficient power management is critical.

    JPG | 1.08 mb | 5433 x 4963 px