英飞凌在Zigbee联盟“Connected Home over IP”项目中发挥主导作用,引领智能家居革命
2020年9月29日,德国慕尼黑讯——全球领先的智能家居设备制造商和供应商正强强联手,为简化智能家居的实现过程,制定全球化标准。Zigbee联盟的“Connected Home over IP”(以下简称“CHIP”)工作小组在将安全性作为其基本设计宗旨的前提下,致力于提高智能家居产品之间的兼容性。作为全球领先的安全解决方案提供商,英飞凌科技股份公司(FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY)在CHIP中,协助定义了既利于制造商集成,又易于消费者使用的安全性功能。
英飞凌资深主管兼CHIP工作小组多个安全团队的负责人Steve Hanna表示,“我们确信CHIP项目是全行业为实现标准化所作的努力,具有推进智能家居设备制造与部署的力量。在保护用户隐私和数据安全性方面,基于硬件的安全性独领风骚,为了确保安全、轻松地实现家庭联网,我们竭尽所能地倾注了自己的专业知识。”
更多信息请访问: www.infineon.com/connectedhome。
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Press Photos
With CHIP, consumers will experience a new degree of professionalism when adding a new device into their home networks. From design to end of life, a device’s identity can now be stored and updated in hardware-based security.Infineon_Easy_to_use_Smart_Home
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When the consumer buys a CHIP device like a coffeemaker, that device comes preloaded with CHIP software and a set of credentials that prove its unique identity and certification status. Adding the device to the smart home home is easy: Scan a QR code with the phone and press the pairing button in the device. The phone will verify the device’s initial credentials and set it up on the smart home network. That’s it! The new coffeemaker is online and ready to go! It can be controlled with a phone, with a smart speaker or any other device installed in the smart home.CHIP_Smart_Home_easy
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