ISOFACE™ - 可靠性比其他解决方案提高了5倍,产品发布时间缩短50%,为您的客户提供卓越的系统运行性能。
集成了电隔离保护功能的 ISOFACE™产品能提高自动化工业系统5倍的可靠性,同时也为客户节省了50%的产品开发时间,除此之外,ISOFACE™的自动诊断功能可以减少故障排除时间,从而系统的安全可靠性得到进一步的提升。
ISOFACE™ 可应对残酷的应用环境
通常自动化工业系统必须符合业界标准,如IEC 61131-2,这些标准要求输入输出接口必须符合规定的特性,以及一定的隔离保护标准。工业自动化系统大多工作于恶劣环境,必须承受很强的EMI干扰(如浪涌、脉冲、射频),这些在IEC 61131-2中都有相应的规定。英飞凌的 ISOFACE™完全符合相关的标准要求。
ISOFACE™ 持久的可靠表现
相比于竞争对手,英飞凌的 ISOFACE™芯片集成了电隔离和短路保护功能,并且具有很强的EMI抗干扰能力,这些大大减轻了客户的产品开发困难,而且可靠性能够保证至少15年。
ISOFACE™ 是同类产品中的行业标杆
在工业自动化系统中,最具挑战的因素在于,在发生故障时应占用最少的时间和成本来找到故障原因、排除并快速恢复系统运行,英飞凌 ISOFACE™的自动诊断功能完全可以做到这一点,它最高可减少时间/费用至1/30,这一点已经在龙头企业里等到了验证。
我们的现有产品以及参考电路设计(特别是抗EMI干扰设计)可以加速客户的产品开发时间,您可以在我们的相关网站下载所需的产品资料。如有兴趣评估我们的 ISOFACE™ 产品,敬请联系距离您最近的英飞凌销售人员或英飞凌指定的代理商。您也可以在网上联系销售代表。
Watch latest elearning

Watch this course to learn
• What digital isolators are, what they do, and which applications can profit from implementing them
• The portfolios and differences between the Infineon ISOFACE™ dual-channel and quad-channel digital isolator families
• The benefits provided by Infineon ISOFACE™ digital isolators

In this training, we will cover digital I/O in the industrial automation space, including the applications, the relevant international standards, the different digital I/O configurations and which Infineon solutions are available

In this training, we will take a deep dive into digital input ICs, including how digital input signals are processed, an overview of the applications, the challenges and features, how they can be optimized and the Infineon solutions offered.

In this training, we will take a deep dive into digital output switches, including an overview of the applications, the challenges and features, how they can be optimized and the Infineon solutions offered.
Key takeaways: <br>• Understand galvanic isolation common to ISOFACE™ products <br> <br>• Be familiar with the key features of isolated digital output and input products

Key takeaways:
- Be familiar with the ISOFACE™ family of galvanically isolated high-side switches and input ICs
- Know the benefits that the ISOFACE™ family can provide in the industrial application space

Key takeaways:
- Be familiar with the PROFET™ and ISOFACE™ families of products
- Understand the key features and benefits of these product families
- Know the PROFET™ and ISOFACE™ products offered by Infineon in this segment
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Modern industries typically require many coordinated single steps to accomplish a finished product or any activity flow. Imagine this with no automation in place: any high volume outputs or uninterrupted courses of action at a high level of quality and in a short time would not be possible, would it?