Software Engineers

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Markus' Story

Scouting new digitalization technologies

After joining Infineon as a Software Developer in 2019, Markus rose to product owner in the Hybrid Infineon Cloud Platform in Klagenfurt, Austria in 2021. His focus on design helps him stay up-to-date on the latest technologies. He is passionate about exploring new technologies and seeing innovative projects run on the Infineon Cloud Platform. He is a self-motivated learner and likes to have a clear overview of his to-dos for the day.

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Roland's Story

Working at the cutting edge

Roland joined Infineon as a Software Developer in 2001. He has been a Software Engineer at Connected Secure Systems (CSS) in Augsburg, Germany, for about the last ten years. Working closely with customers to design and build systems tailored to their specific requirements, he enjoys the challenge of striking the perfect balance between pragmatism and innovative creativity enabled by the latest technologies.

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I enjoy working in the Hybrid Infineon Cloud Platform team supporting and enabling digitalization at Infineon. As a product owner, I get to know a lot of different and state-of-the-art use cases allowing me to stay up-to-date on what technologies are currently used in our company.

Markus Product Owner Hybrid Infineon Cloud Platform in Klagenfurt, Austria

Markus' Story

Scouting new digitalization technologies

After joining Infineon as a Software Developer in 2019, Markus rose to product owner in the Hybrid Infineon Cloud Platform in Klagenfurt, Austria in 2021. His focus on design helps him stay up-to-date on the latest technologies. He is passionate about exploring new technologies and seeing innovative projects run on the Infineon Cloud Platform. He is a self-motivated learner and likes to have a clear overview of his to-dos for the day.

Markus in five words:

DesignThinker SportsEnthusiast Challenger TechGeek Optimizer

For me, the way in which new employees are welcomed at Infineon is special. New colleagues are supported and included in team discussions right from the beginning.

My main tasks include defining what work needs to be done in our backlog. Furthermore, I am constantly exploring new technologies that can be beneficial for our platform.

The result of my work is a highly available and stable hosting platform for Infineon. Of course, this is a result of our team working closely together.

Exploring new technologies and seeing innovative projects run on our platform is my biggest highlight. Another highlight is that you can develop in any direction you want, because our platform supports a variety of different use cases.

The biggest challenge is prioritizing what work is done next. This can get difficult, as there are sometimes a lot of topics running in parallel. 

It was special to be included in so many different topics right from the beginning even though it was my first job. This allowed me to learn a lot in only three years at Infineon.

I’m very proud to be working in such a cutting-edge environment and on critical projects often involving governments and intelligence agencies.

Roland Software Engineer, Connected Secure Systems (CSS) in Augsburg, Germany

Roland's Story

Working at the cutting edge

Roland joined Infineon as a Software Developer in 2001. He has been a Software Engineer at Connected Secure Systems (CSS) in Augsburg, Germany, for about the last ten years. Working closely with customers to design and build systems tailored to their specific requirements, he enjoys the challenge of striking the perfect balance between pragmatism and innovative creativity enabled by the latest technologies.

Roland in five words:

SportsEnthusiast Enthusiast TechGeek CreativeThinker Discoverer

The team spirit. When we encounter problems, we solve them successfully every time. This is only possible because of the passion and extraordinary work of all involved. Additionally, I have the opportunity to give lectures at a nearby university of applied sciences.

As a technical lead, it is my responsibility to discuss and decide technical details internally ‒ in collaboration with the customer ‒ so that I can guide my team to successfully develop the products required. I am also responsible for driving innovation and building my knowledge about new technologies.

For example, the well-known Infineon TPM that can now be found within many PCs. Also various authentication devices for several big companies. 

What we do here in Augsburg can only be found in maybe four or five other places worldwide. It makes me very proud to work in such a cutting-edge environment and on critical projects often involving governments. At times, we almost work like a startup – we are free to try any idea. 

To always find the perfect balance between security, performance, and size to fulfil requirements from different parties, e.g. certification bodies, customers, and Infineon.  

I am always greatly inspired by the energy and ideas around new technologies and skills brought by new colleagues.