The ISC012N04LM6 OptiMOSTM 6 40V in logic level is setting a new technology standard in the field of discrete power MOSFETs. Compared to alternative products, Infineon’s leading thin wafer technology is enabling significant performance benefits.
Infineon’s OptiMOS™ 6 power MOSFET 40 V family is optimized for a variety of applications and circuits, such as synchronous rectification in switched mode power supplies (SMPS) in servers, desktop PCs, wireless chargers, quick chargers and ORing circuits. Improvements in on-state resistance (RDS(on)) and figure of merits (FOM - RDS(on) x Qg and Qgd) enable designers to increase efficiency, allowing easier thermal design and less paralleling, leading to system cost reduction.
Zusammenfassung der Merkmale
- Logic level gate drive capability
- Very low on-resistance RDS(on)
- 175 °C junction temperature rating
- 100% Avalanche tested
- Halogen-free according to IEC61249-2-21
- Optimized for synchronous application
- Gate drive flexibility
- Highest system efficiency
- Increased operating margin
- Robust, reliable performance
- Environmentally friendly
- Increased power density and very low voltage overshoot
Potentielle Zielanwendungen