Corruption Prevention Activities

Infineon is resolute to fight corruption and to implement and enforce effective measures ensuring that corruption is prevented, detected and terminated. We are committed to zero tolerance on corruption and conducting our business in an ethical and legal manner on a global basis. That is why Infineon has a world-wide Compliance Management System in place including extensive anti-corruption measures. These include:

UN Global Compact

Infineon is committed to the core values of the UN Global Compact. Therefore we have declared to implement the ten Global Compact principles. The tenth principle obligates enterprises to "work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery".

Infineon’s Code of Ethics

Business Conduct Guidelines (BCG)

Integrity is Infineon’s guiding principle in dealings with our customers, shareholders, business partners, employees and the general public. The BCG provide an overview of important regulations that are intended to provide support in legal and ethical questions and are focusing in several chapters on Anti Corruption topics.

Global Rule: Anti Corruption

Guideline Anti-Corruption

This Rule constitutes the zero tolerance principle of Infineon on corruption. Further, it explains various forms of corruption, how to prevent them and constitutes the obligation for Infineon employees to act accordingly.

Global Rule: Handling of Gifts and Entertainment

Handling of Gifts and Entertainment

Gifts and entertainment are important to show respect and appreciation towards our customers, suppliers and other third parties. However, they shall never be offered or accepted with the intention to improperly influence any business decision or official act. Therefore, any gift, entertainment or business meal must always comply with local laws, internal rules and provided in a transparent way. Our Handling of Gifts and Entertainment rule provides guidance and boundary conditions.

Business Partner Due Diligence

To help avoid any potential liability of Infineon for a corrupt conduct by business partners acting on behalf of the company, employees who are planning a business relationship are required to perform an integrity check and to document and repeat it on a regular basis.

Global Rule: Corporate Citizenship and Sponsoring

As Corporate Citizen Infineon may contribute voluntarily to support projects and activities by donations, in-kind giving or employee volunteerism. With this internal rule we give ourselves our own guidelines which activities we want to support.

Supplier Code of Conduct

At Infineon we actively seek suppliers whose objectives are compatible with ours. We at Infineon are committed to the principles defined in our Business Conduct Guidelines in all countries where we do business, taking into account international and local laws and cultural practices. We expect from our suppliers to do the same. The Supplier Code of Conduct, which is aligned with our Business Conduct Guidelines, shall help our suppliers to meet the ethical and legal requirements in their day-to-day work.

Training: ‚Corruption Prevention‘

To ensure that all our colleagues potentially exposed to corruption are aware of corruption risks while doing their business they must perform a web based training in regular intervals.

Integrity Line

Integrity and compliance with rules is a guiding principle at Infineon. Via the Integrity Line employees and business partners  may report potential compliance violations, e.g. on corruption, harassment, money laundering, antitrust or violation of data protection. They can do so worldwide 24/7. The communication can be done personally or anonymously.