Corporate Citizenship

As a socially committed company, we consider as a voluntary approach to make an ongoing positive contribution to the development of the local communities in which we operate. Corporate Citizenship, understood as our voluntary commitment to these communities, is therefore a key component and one of the six pillars of our CSR strategy.

Based on the ten principles contained in the UN Global Compact, the OECD’s (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) UN Millennium Development Goals and the UN Local Agenda 21, Infineon has created the so-called Corporate Citizenship Guidelines .

Infineon supported 276 activities worldwide in the 2024 fiscal year. A total of  13 percent of the donations were local investments in the communities with which we interact, and 87 percent were donations to charitable purposes.

In addition to monetary and material donations, we are proud of the commitment of our employees in voluntary activities supported in all these fields of initiatives.

Corporate Citizenship areas of activity

Infineon has defined four areas of activity in the field of corporate citizenship: Environmental Sustainability, Local Social Needs, Education for Future Generations and Responding to Natural and Humanitarian Disasters.

These focus areas of engagement are contained in our Corporate Citizenship and Sponsoring Rule. This Rule ensures that our corporate citizenship activities are performed transparently and in line with our ethical principles. We have also appointed a citizenship representative for this topic at all our major sites. The request and approval process in the area of corporate citizenship is also defined in the Corporate Citizenship and Sponsoring Rule, which is binding worldwide. This Rule describes the opportunities for involvement and specifies the role of central functions and of the Management Board as part of the request and approval process.

Education for Future Generations

This field of corporate citizenship support young talents with their studies and development, provides endowment of professorships and chairs at recognized universities and also provide support to students to improve their education condition, expanding their knowledge and experience. In 2024 fiscal year some of the initiatives supported were:

  • Support for a “Girls in STEM1” workshop in the Penang Science Cluster to promote girls’ interest in mathematics, IT, science and technology (Malaysia)
  • Support for the Inclusive Engineering Foundation to increase diversity in engineering (USA)
  • Support for the Institute of Physics at the University of Münster to promote the Infineon Doctoral Candidate Award (Germany)
  • Support for “STEM Girl Day” at the University of Texas at Austin to inspire girls to consider careers in STEM subjects (Texas, USA)

Local Social Needs

This field support cultural events and activities to improve quality of life of people of surrounding cities and communities. It also support and maintain social programs and organizations that support people in vulnerable conditions. Others initiatives focus to contribute to the economic development of surrounding regions. In 2024 fiscal year some of the initiatives supported were:

  • Support for the Care and Share Food Bank to combat hunger and food insecurity in Southern Colorado (Colorado, USA)
  • Support for the Taiwan Guardians Association to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups through healthcare solutions (Taiwan)
  • Support for the Tábitha Ház children’s hospice (Hungary) 
  • Support for “The Junior League of Austin” and their annual “Coats for Kids” initiative (Texas, USA)

Environmental Sustainability

Our aim is to support environmental initiatives for the awareness of the population regarding the importance to protect the environment and the ecosystems. In 2024 fiscal year some of the initiatives supported were: 

  • Support for planting trees to promote reforestation and the restoration of habitats (Romania)
  • Donation to GemüseAckerdemie to support the creation of a community vegetable garden (Germany)
  • Support for the planting of native species of trees to promote renaturation (Portugal)
  • Support for cleaning the coast to combat plastic pollution (Ireland)

Responding to Natural and Humanitarian Disasters

These focus areas are supplemented by our commitment in the field of emergency assistance in the event of natural and humanitarian disasters. In 2024 fiscal year some of the initiatives supported were:

  • Donations to various organizations to support communities affected by the devastating floods in southern Germany (Germany)
  • Support for the Maui Food Bank to prepare meals for people affected by the forest fire on the island of Maui (Hawaii, USA)

Know more about this topic in our Sustainability Report page 52-53.