Starter Kit TC1798
Order Nr.: KIT_TC1798_SK
Price: 600,- EUR
For evaluation of TC1798 including Getting Started, technical documentation, evaluation versions for compiler and debugger, USB cable, power supply and extension board.
- Evalutation Board (TriBoard)
- USB cable
- Power Supply
- Extension Board
- Free TriCore™ Entry Tool Chain
Summary of Features
On-Chip Memory:
- 4 MByte embedded program flash with ECC
- 192 KByte Data Flash Memory (DFLASH) usable for EEPROM emulation
- 288 KByte on-chip SRAM,
- 16 KByte data cache,
- 16 KByte instruction cache.
On-Boards Memory:
- Burst FLASH 16 MBytes (default),
- asynchronous SRAM 1MBytes (default),
- optional synchronous SRAM up to 8 MBytes.
– Standard power connector
– USB connector for ASC Interface (ASC0) and miniWiggler
– 16-pin header for JTAG interface (OCDS)
– 10-pin header for DAP
– 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for CAN High Speed Transceiver (CAN0 and CAN1)
– 2 x SUB-D9 Plug connector for FlexRay
– Four 80-pin connectors (male) + four 80-pin connectors (female) with all I/O signals
– ETK connector (optional)