AURIX™ TC4x SW application architecture supports next level of automotive applications


Next generation AURIX™ is a heterogeneous architecture providing new computing abilities for new implementations


  • Enables SMP and AMP

Next-generation AURIX™ TC4x

  • Offers heterogeneous variant of SMP and AMP
  • PPU can accelerate any functional block stack
  • PPU is service provider
  • Opens new computational opportunities

PPU acts as seamless service provider when using virtualized CPUs

AURIX™ TC4x offers TriCore™ virtualization

  • Seamless integration of functions, reducing standalone ECUs
  • PPU does not distinguish between virtualized and non virtualized clients
  • Benefits for new and legacy application stacks

New SoC architecture includes PPU compute cluster to support next level of automotive applications

AURIX™ TC4x offers a tremendous computational power boost compared to the previous generation deploying new applications with complex computing needs

AURIX™ TC4x SoC architecture means that applications can now be distributed to run on TriCores and PPU

The demonstration shows that the PPU:

  • Middleware detects requests by dedicated AUTOSAR stacks and handles prioritized execution
  • All forms of computations are preserved – traditional AMP and SMP
  • They are extended in their topologies by heterogeneous computing

SW ecosystem will support AUTOSAR and tool-chain enabling high-level programming languages