KIT_AURIX_TC264_TRB is a versatile tool, providing quick access to the capabilities of TriCore's powerful architecture. The evaluation board also includes several sets of development tools, which are stored on the included Evaluation Board CD-ROM. The Kit allows easily the development of TriCore applications with the corresponding tools.
MCU Derivate: : TC26xD
CPU Clock: 200 MHz
Buy online
- Evaluation Board (TriBoard)
- USB cable
- Power Supply
- Extension Board
- Free TriCore Entry Tool Chain
- Getting Started, first 3 Steps to
- Install the Tools
- Set up your Hardware
- Write and debug your first Program
On Board Interfaces:
– Standard power connector
- Micro USB connector for ASC Interface (ASC0) and miniWiggler
- RJ45 connector for Ethernet
- 16-pin header for JTAG interface (OCDS)
- 10-pin header for DAP
- 10pin (2x5) Header for LIN Transceiver (LIN)
- 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for CAN High-Speed Transceiver (CAN0 and CAN1)
- 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for FlexRay (ERAY-A and ERAY-B)
- Four 80-pin connectors (male) + four 80-pin connectors (female) with all I/O signals
- Optional ETK connector
- Optional 10pin (2x5) Socket for HSCT
- Aurora connector (only with Emulation Device)