Webinar - Now available on-demand

Charging eTrucks and eBuses (eCAV) vs. charging passenger cars and the impact on Power Semiconductors

Charging for electric buses and trucks has been a frequently discussed topic in the industry, not just since the recent launch of the first commercial long-haul electric trucks and the successful completion of the first Megawatt Charging System (MCS) tests. In this webinar, we will provide a high-level overview of truck and bus charging and its similarities and differences to passenger vehicle charging. In particular, we will discuss the impact that charging, especially in the megawatt range, can have on the selection of power semiconductors and how Infineon is positioned. Register now and recharge your knowledge.

What you will learn:

  • What types of charging infrastructure exist for cars, trucks, and buses
  • With a look on conceptual similarities and differences that may exist, such as charging location, charging power and charger utilization rates
  • How such conceptual differences also affect power electronics for different use cases
  • What to consider when selecting power semiconductors, such as voltage classes or power cycling capability
  • How Infineon is positioned with its power semiconductor portfolio for current and future requirements

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Meet your speakers

Torsten Klemmer, Director Application Marketing EV Charging and Industrial UPS

Torsten holds degrees in both electrical engineering and industrial engineering. Before joining Infineon in 2013, he worked in the automotive and lighting industry for more than 10 years.

At Infineon in Neubiberg, Germany, he initially worked as Product Marketing Manager in the Automotive division and has been responsible for EV Charging Application Marketing in the Green Industrial Power division since mid-2022.