Create. Skillsharing courses

October & November 2021

Do you want to learn new skills that will help you improve your academic writing? Join us and get a head start on how to properly write scientific texts!

  • LaTeX basics 12 October 2021
  • LaTeX advanced 3 November 2021

To find out more about our skillsharing courses check out the information below:

Create. Skillsharing course: LaTeX basics/advanced

12 October & 3 November 2021

No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced user of LaTeX, we offer the right course to expand your knowledge for free. Markus Sievers and Sebastian Bichelmaier, LaTeX experts at Infineon, will give insights on how you can put your LaTex knowledge into practice in the technical academic field.

For the basic course - register here

For the advanced course - register here

teaser image of slide with headline LaTeX basics

LaTeX basics

Never heard of LaTeX: Learn how to use LaTeX from scratch.

teaser image of slide with headline LaTeX advanced

LaTeX advanced

Already worked with LaTeX but you think your skills can be improved!

What is LaTeX?

The word processing software LaTeX has been established as a universal standard for many years, especially when it comes to mathematical content (formulary), and it offers significant advantages in this context compared to conventional word processing software.

There are also many freely available extensions (packages), which is naturally not essential for the start at first.


  • The software and many associated tools are freely available.
  • Perfect and flexible mathematical formulas.
  • LaTeX is not 'wysiwyg', but this is irrelevant and even advantageous on today's computers. The translation of the LaTeX code (a text file) into finished (typically) pdf format is prompt. One can compare one's own source code and the result (pdf) and react accordingly.
  • The integration of graphics, etc., is very easy.
  • Individual adaptation, e.g. concerning notational abbreviations (macros) etc., is possible without any problems.

Potential disadvantages:

  • LaTeX is essentially a programming language and takes some getting used to, but with a simple structure that is relatively easy to master after familiarization (so this is not really a disadvantage).
  • The conversion of the source code into pdf is done by a compiler (translator), where formal syntax errors are detected and reported. As with many other translation programs, the cause of some error messages is not always immediately apparent. This requires a disciplined approach. However, experience shows that this is still better compared to (e.g.) poorly documented .doc templates with erratic behavior (disadvantage of 'wysiwyg'!).