Automotive Highly efficient Functional Safety OPTIREG™ PMIC (Power management integrated circuit) TLF4D Buck_CORE-Stability application circuit
Open online SPICE simulator circuit link: atv_PMIC_TLF4D_Buck_CORE-Stability_application_circuit.TSC
Automotive highly efficient Functional Safety PMIC TLF4D985QKV03
Application Circuit
TLF4D985 is a highly efficient Functional Safety PMIC (Power management integrated circuit).
The device is companion power IC for Aurix™ MCU and peripherals. Device is equipped with Buck PreReg,
Buck PostReg for core supply, Buck PostReg for highspeed interface supply, Boost PostReg,
3 linear PostRegs (µC, RefLDO, TRX) and StandBy-LDO.
Model performance :
- For all the others: PWM CCM and PWM DCM AC behaviour modeled according
to the design
Technical Assistance
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Product info: TLF4D985QKV03