Dual H-Bridge Shield with IFX9202 for DC motors or other inductive loads
Open online SPICE simulator circuit link: motor_brushed_24v_IFX9202ED_ind.tsc
Dual H-Bridge Shield with IFX9202ED
{1. click here to set circuit parameters}
{2. click on "Run" to calculate components}
{3. click on "OK" and Simulate Transient }
{Supply Voltage [V] }
VS:=24 {use 5 ... 36}
{Switching Frequency [Hz] }
fsw:= 1k {use 100 ... 20k}
{Motor Parameters}
L1:=10m {inductance of motor coil L1 [H] }
R1:=8 {inductance of motor coil R1 [Ohm] }
L1:=10m {inductance of motor coil L2 [H] }
R2:=8 {inductance of motor coil R2 [Ohm] }
The IFX9202ED H-Bridge Shield in the Arduino format is an universal
development kit for Infineon’s General Purpose Fully-Integrated
Dual-H-Bridge IFX9202ED which is designed for (but not limited to)
the control of DC motors or other inductive loads up to 6 A in industrial
and home appliance applications.
The IFX9202ED is protected against short circuits and over temperature
and provides diagnosis via SPI or basic error feedback via status flag.
Thermal behavior of the device is not modelled.
Buy online,tdl://file.shoppingcart)
\a(Product info: IFX9202ED,https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/power/motor-control-ics/intelligent-motor-control-ics/integrated-full-bridge-driver/ifx9202ed/)
\a(Board: Dual H-Bridge Shield with IFX9202ED,https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/evaluation-boards/ifx9202ed_dev_board/)
\a(Other circuits
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