Power Supply Ics
シンプルで費用対効果の高いパワー・マネージメント – 部品点数と基板スペースの削減 – 最適化されたシステムコストで高性能
Power Supply Ics サブカテゴリー
全てのサブカテゴリーを閉じる 全てのサブカテゴリーを開くパワー マネージメントIC (PMIC) およびシステム ベーシス チップ (SBC) について
インフィニオンのパワー マネージメントIC (PMIC) は、複数の機能を1個の製品でカバーし、部品点数と基板スペースを削減します。これにより、自動車、モノのインターネット (IoT)、民生用、医療、産業、その他多くのアプリケーションでシンプルで費用効果の高い電源管理が可能になります。
さまざまな車載アプリケーション向けに最適化されたシステムコストで高性能であることに特化した、さらに統合された製品が必要な場合は、ECU性能と信頼性を向上させるさまざまな車載アプリケーション向けにご用意したシステム・ベーシス・チップ (SBC) をお勧めします。SBCは、主に電源、CANおよび/またはLINトランシーバー、および補助的な機能 (MCU監視、SPIインターフェースなど) の3つの機能を1つの製品に取り込んでいます。この統合により、SBCは特にシステム・コストと基板の総面積の両者において、単機能製品 (ディスクリート)を組み合わせるだけの手法よりも優れた代替手段となる可能性があります。
パワー マネージメントIC (PMIC)
システムベーシスチップ (SBC)
Infineon´s OPTIREG™ Automotive Power Supply IC
下記がTop6 FAQ です。その他のFAQについては、上の検索バーをご利用ください。
How to get Technical Support?
The best way to reach out to our Applications Engineers is through our Infineon Developer Community
Our Applications Engineers moderate the community to ensure all questions are answered quickly and accurately, either by others in the community or by our own engineers.
If you have any further questions, please submit your request via the Infineon myCases portal. This is a direct channel to get fast and easy support for your needs.
To register, Click on "Register for myInfineon” available at the top right corner of the Infineon homepage and follow the instructions.
To take advantage of additional benefits we recommend to register your corporate email address.
To log-in, click on “Login to myInfineon”.
By clicking on the My Cases link, you will be guided to the My Cases Customer Portal.
You can visit the link directly through: https://mycases.infineon.com.
If any questions, please contact our hotline, https://www.infineon.com/call.
How to find a Partner to support on SW, HW, dev tools and services?
Infineon’s global network of partners offer products and services that complement our semiconductor device solutions to accelerate your development efforts and time to market. You can find them here: https://www.infineon.com/partnerfinder.
Where to find the Package information?
The package information is available on our homepage. Please note, that they are divided into the subcategories “Leaded and through-hole”, “Surface Mounted Devices” and “Special Packages”. You will find all relevant package information at the option that applies.
Where to find board assembly information of Infineon packages?
Information regarding reflow profile, soldering temperature, soldering profile and further processing notes for most of the discrete products are mentioned in the Application Note.
Please visit https://www.infineon.com/packages and refer to the document General Recommendations for Assembly of Infineon Packages.
For TO-packages please refer to these recommendations.
How to get Design-in support for an application?
We offer design-in support for your application.
You can use our Infineon Solution Finder: https://www.infineon.com/solutionFinder
Here you select the relevant parameters of your application and narrow down your choice according to your requirements.
Where to find Simulation parameters & SPICE models?
Please visit our Simulation Model Finder on the internet at
Please select "Simulation Models (SPICE, S-parameters, SABER)"
If you cannot find your requested model there, please submit your request via the "click to request model" button on the right handed side.
Infineon uses only Spice and Saber models. These are a generally accepted standard that meets all simulation model requirements.