スマート パワー スイッチ
インフィニオンの車載および産業用アプリケーション向けのローサイドおよびハイサイド スマート パワースイッチの包括的かつ革新的なポートフォリオ
スマート パワー スイッチ サブカテゴリー
全てのサブカテゴリーを閉じる 全てのサブカテゴリーを開く- ローサイドスイッチ
- 概要
- Power PROFET™ + 12/24/48V | Automotive Smart High-Side Switch
- PROFET™ Load Guard 12V | Automotive Smart High-Side Switch
- PROFET™ +2 12V |車載用スマート ハイサイドスイッチ
- PROFET™ + 12V |車載用スマート ハイサイドスイッチ
- PROFET™ + 24V | Automotive Smart High-Side Switch
- Classic PROFET™ 12V | Automotive Smart High-Side Switch
- Classic PROFET™ 24 V |車載用スマート ハイサイドスイッチ
- PROFET™ | 産業用スマートハイサイドスイッチ
- Infineon Smart Power Switches & Gate Driver Tool Suite
- PROFET™ Wire Guard 12V | 車載用スマートハイサイドスイッチ
- マルチチャンネル SPI スイッチ & コントローラー
Smart power switches for automotive and industrial applications
Infineon’s smart power switches portfolio consists of low and high-side switches available as single and multi-channel devices addressing a wide range of 12 V, 24 V, and 48 V automotive and industrial applications. Those switches can very well replace today's classic fuses and relays and offer additional advanced features, including diagnosis and current sensing, higher reliability, and restart possibility. They offer excellent protection against short-circuit, overcurrent, and overtemperature when driving different types of loads. With automotive qualifications and advanced features, Infineon's smart power switches are an ideal choice for automotive and industrial applications that require high performance, reliability, and support functional safety requirements.
High-side power switches for automotive and industrial applications
Infineon’s PROFET™ protected high-side MOSFET power switches offer solutions for a wide range of automotive and industrial applications and are available as single and multi-channel switches. The PROFET™ family supports 12 V, 24 V, and 48 V automotive applications to replace classic fuses and relays by offering fast switching within µs, protection against overload, overvoltage, short-circuit, overtemperature, ground loss, and power supply loss. Additionally, different PROFET™ high-side power switch families can protect against dynamic overvoltage such as load dump and inductive load turn-off. The PROFET™ Guard family is the most advanced high-side smart power switch family addressing the latest needs in automotive power distribution (e.g., functional safety ISO 26262). Infineon Classic PROFET™ is a well-established and versatile product family with more than 25 years on the market with optional integrated current sense measurement. The last portfolio category is PROFET™ Industrial, designed for industrial applications, which offer outstanding energy robustness.
Low-side power switches for automotive and industrial applications
Infineon's low-side smart power switches portfolio consists of two main product families: Classic HITFET™ and HITFET™ + for 12 V and 24 V automotive and industrial applications. HITFET™ (Highly Integrated Temperature-protected FET) family is Infineon's solution for smart low-side power switches. Their built-in intelligent protective features offer protection against overcurrent, overvoltage, short-circuit, overtemperature, and electrostatic discharge (ESD). The Classic HITFET™ offers high energy capability with RDS(on) range down to 10 mΩ. The HITFET™ + family comes in smaller package sizes with well-balanced short-circuit robustness, power dissipation in high-speed PWM applications, and diagnosis.
Multichannel power switches and controllers with SPI
Infineon's multichannel smart power switches and controllers with SPI portfolio support a wide range of automotive and industrial applications and consist of five main product families.
Infineon SPIDER products include multichannel SPI drivers for low-current loads such as LEDs, low-power bulbs, and stepper motors, providing a range of channels and configuration options.
The Infineon SPIDER+ family introduces enhanced performance and features with increased configuration capability. Both families are highly scalable in regard to PWM inputs and current capability.
The Infineon FLEX family is a fully scalable, multichannel, low-side power switch solution with SPI, integrated protection features, and advanced diagnosis.
Infineon SPOC™ +2 is the latest generation of high-side multichannel smart power switches with a serial interface and provides state-of-the-art diagnostic and protection features. It offers high flexibility with configurable features such as slew-rate control and intelligent restart strategy. Its SPI interface allows connecting of multiple devices via daisy-chain configuration to reduce the amount of GPIOs.
Gate driver ICs for automotive power distribution
Infineon gate driver IC family for automotive power distribution supports different supply voltages from 12 V, 24 V, and 48 V. The EiceDRIVER™ APD products have either one or two gate output channels. These products are characterized by the ability to drive multiple MOSFETs in parallel and have simultaneous switching times in the µs range, which significantly improves the power net reliability compared to classic fuses. With the low power consumption, they offer a further advantage compared to a relay. In addition to this, these products offer various different protection mechanisms (e.g., wire protection) and diagnosis.
Infineon Smart Power Switches and Gate Driver Tool Suite
Infineon offers a range of design-in materials, which include application notes, evaluation boards, PCB design data, simulation models, and online simulations. Those materials could be found on each product page in the "Design Support" chapter. In addition, Infineon offers a dedicated tool suite for Smart Power Switches and Gate Driver ICs for automotive power distribution.
Infineon Smart Power Switches and Gate Driver Tool Suite supports system architects and hardware designers from idea to realization. This suite allows the user to select the right smart power switch or gate driver IC for a specific load using one of the “Finder and Selection” tools. Together with different “Simulation & Modelling” tools, various application scenarios can be simulated for the respective product. The results can be documented in the report tool and verified with the “Configuration” tools and the corresponding evaluation boards.
Facing a design challenge? The Infineon Developer Community is available 24x7 for you to connect and network with engineers across the globe. Get help from Infineon support engineers, and expert members to solve your design challenges anytime and from anywhere.
- Smart power switches and controllers not only are they key partners for the realization of automated driving but they are also one of the founding blocks of current automotive megatrends.
- They are essential when it comes to supplying and distributing power, as well as protecting devices from excessively high current or temperature.
- インフィニオンの高エネルギー スマート ハイサイド スイッチの製品ラインアップの評価
- スマート ハイサイド スイッチ製品の車載用途の詳細、Power PROFET™ + in TOLLパッケージの特徴や利点を理解
- PROFET™ Load Guardに優れた負荷柔軟性をもたらす機能を確認する。
- その仕組みを理解し、PROFET™ Load Guardを使用して、インテリジェントな電源分配の使用例やさまざまなアプリケーションに対応する利点を挙げています。
- インフィニオンのローサイド パワースイッチIC向けソリューションを知り、どのソリューションが特定の自動車および産業用アプリケーションの要件を満たすのか、ご覧ください。
- インフィニオンがローサイド電源スイッチ ポートフォリオ用に提供しているサポート資料をご覧ください。
- シリアル ペリフェラル インターフェース (SPI) とは何か、また、その利点を理解します
- レジスタ設定用の書き込みコマンドに慣れてください
- スマートスイッチがモビリティの未来に、どれほど密接な関係があるのかご覧ください。
- インフィニオンのソリューションのご紹介
- インテリジェント再始動制御とインテリジェントラッチの両方の保護 がどのように機能するか学びます。
- DENピンによるリセット機能を説明でき、ONとOFF状態での異なる診断ケースを認識できます。
- PROFET™+2 12 VとSPOC™ +2の詳細、また、その利点を理解します。
- SPOC™ +2の特性を確認