We ensure that the Business Conduct Guidelines are observed and enforced

At a glance
- Take part in training on the BCG
- Report suspected cases of misconduct proactively
- Prosecute culpable violations of rules rigorously, but always in a fitting manner
- Contact data
We regularly take part in training on the BCG
In order to make these BCG known and provide a regular reminder, Infineon conducts regular compliance training courses for employees to inform them about the content of the BCG and the legal requirements to be observed. In addition, special compliance training sessions are held for employees of individual risk groups. Every one is obliged to take part in the compliance training that is mandatory for him or her.
We report misconduct proactively
We can only achieve the objectives of Infineon’s BCG if every one plays his or her part. Managers ensure employees in their sphere of responsibility know and abide by the BCG.
If our employees discover someone is violating or has violated the BCG or statutory or internal regulations, we expect them to report the matter. Only then can we jointly avert damage to our employees and the company.
There are various options to report compliance violations:
- 1. Notification to your superior
- 2. Report to the Corporate Compliance Officer, the responsible Regional Compliance Officer or the external ombudsman
- 3. Tip-offs can be posted – openly or anonymously – on the portal for reports. The Compliance Officer looks into every tip-off and decides whether to instigate internal investigations.
Options two and three are not only open to employees, but also to suppliers, customers and other third parties. You can find more details on Infineon’s whistleblowing system in the Global Rule “Management of Compliance Cases”.
Details and local deviations for legal reasons in individual countries may be specified in agreement with the Corporate Compliance Officer.
No one who reports a suspected compliance violation in good faith needs to fear disadvantages, even if the suspected violation turns out to be unjustified. In the same way, we treat employees accused of misconduct fairly. We therefore urge you to report also your own mistakes as soon as possible.
We attach great importance to transparency. Identifying and responding to mistakes in good time helps ensure small problems do not become large ones. We therefore expect employees to cooperate without reservation in investigations or inquiries initiated by the company in connection with an alleged violation of the law or a violation of the BCG.
We prosecute culpable violations in a fair and comprehensible manner
We take stringent action if misconduct is proven, with fair and comprehensible measures subject to company and statutory regulations. As part of this, we ensure our response is always fitting, and determine for each case which consequences are suitable, necessary and reasonable.
Here is the right place for questions on Infineon’s BCG
If employees have any questions regarding the BCG, e.g. how individual provisions should be interpreted, their superior, the Corporate Compliance Officer or the responsible Regional Compliance Officer are available to offer advice. The same applies if employees wish to clarify doubts as to whether a certain action complies with Infineon’s BCG.
Employees can find information about the Infineon Compliance Program on the intranet.
Persons outside the company can contact the email address compliance@infineon.com at any time.